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Written by Amanda
Updated over a week ago

Match Retirements

➔ In the event of a retirement or disqualification in a match, all markets that have not already had their result determined will be settled as void.

➔ In event of a retirements, we will settle the winner, the currently played set, and the game if the 1st point is scored, in favour of the player that is progressing.

➔ Markets must be actually decided in order to have settlements. For example, if the match ends via retirement in the first set with the score at 4-4 we would void the first set total 9.5 line as the actual number of total games at the time of retirement was only eight.

➔ A tennis match is deemed to have started with the first serve of the match.


➔ For all bets referring to the number of games played, a tie-break is counted as one game.

Market settlements for retirements

➔ Winner: The settlement of the market will be towards the player who will advance to the next round (if a point was played in the affected game).

➔ Xth set – winner: In the event of a retirement the settlement will be towards the player who will advance to the next round (if a point was played in the affected set).

➔ Xth set game x – winner: The settlement of the market in the event of a retirement will be towards the player who will advance to the next round (if a point was played in the affected game).

Match Walkovers

In the event of a Walkover all markets will be settled as void.

Match not played as listed In the event of any of the following circumstances all bets will stand:

➔ Change of schedule and/or day of match

➔ Change of venue

➔ Change from indoor court to outdoor court or vice versa

➔ Change of surface (either before or during a match)

➔ If the players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

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