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American Football
Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated over a week ago

Match Abandonments/ Postponements

➔ In case of abandoned or postponed matches all undecided markets are considered void unless the match continues in the same weekly schedule (Thursday - Wednesday local stadium time).

Half and Quarter Market

Any references to First Half refer to Quarters 1 & 2, any to Second Half refer to Quarters 3 & 4.

Market outcome is determined only based on the score in the respective period (e.g., 1st Quarter, 2nd Half etc.) excluding points scored in other periods both in regular time and overtime.

➔ The quarter must have been completed for bets to stand.

➔ The half must have been completed for bets to stand.

Will there be overtime?

Market will be settled as yes if at the end of regular time the match finishes in a draw, regardless of whether overtime is played

Xth drive - result

Only offensive plays will be considered for settlement purposes. A drive ending by interception return. Touchdown by the defense, end of half or end of game, will be settled with “other”.

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